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New with this version:
* 1995 payroll season release
* Magnetic media/Laser forms interface
* Browsing after payroll entry
* Backup to drives other than A: or B:
Uploaded by the author, PayWindow is a payroll package for Windows that pays using any pay period. It can pay hourly, salaried, commissioned as well as non-employee contract workers. It prints checks, W2 forms, 1099-MISC forms, a 941 form worksheet and all the reports needed for state and federal tax information along with payroll history. It is a password protected system with a built-in data backup and restore facility, user changable tax tables, 6 additional deductions in addition to the usual federal, state and local tax deductions. Four of the additional deductions can be configured as non-taxable for deductions such as a 401k plan or other cafeteria type plans.
Note: To install, run SETUP.EXE.
In order to run the program the first time you MUST ENTER THE PASSWORD, which is LAUPREYAM. See the README.TXT file for more details.